Welcome to the Website of Transcult.com!

The research group Transcult.com focuses on the phenomena of transcultural communication, transculturality and transdisciplinarity, all of which share the same underlying principles. The prefix ‘trans-’ refers to something or someone going or being brought across. Transcultural communication, transculturality and transdisciplinarity represent the confluence of varied and diverse perspectives into an outcome that is highly hybrid and diverse in nature, generating something new that none of the individual perspectives or parts individually could have created.

The various forms of online collaborative translation are prototypical types of transcultural communication in that hundreds or even thousands of mostly voluntary translators work together online to create a translation that is highly hybrid in nature. Collaboration is certainly not new, neither in general nor in translation and interpreting, and although it certainly exists in the analogue realm, the degree of hybridity achieved in digital spaces is unmatched.

The group investigates the concept of translation from a transcultural and/or transdisciplinary perspective, reflecting the fact that the concept of translation is widely used beyond Translation Studies and has generated a multitude of perspectives. These perspectives, however, have frequently arisen without reference to Translation Studies and/or its understandings of translation.

Our Team


From left to right: Blanca Juan Gómez, Leandra Sitte, Jovana Ivanovic, Natalie Julia Basica, Andrea Bauer, Cornelia Zwischenberger, Mar Mañes-Bordes

 News and Events


Publication - Online collaborative translation: its ethical, social, and conceptual conditions and consequences

by Cornelia Zwischenberger

Perspectives; published online: January 2021


A presentation by Cornelia Zwischenberger

16th September, 7th IATIS Conference



with a keynote speech by Prof. Cornelia Zwischenberger and a presentation by Leandra Sitte, BA MA




edited by Michaela Albl-Mikasa and Elisabet Tiselius

with a contribution by E. Macarena Pradas Macías and Cornelia Zwischenberger



A panel organised by Cornelia Zwischenberger and Alexa Alfer